Friday 4 November 2011

The Socio-economic Model.

This is a model for categorising audiences, therefore helps when deconstructing a text or making one of your own. When it all comes done to it, money is the basis of this model and how much spending power a certain audience/group has.

This effects me as my target audience is 'educated adults' so it will help me to find a specific category for them to go in. I will therefore have a more clearer idea of what educated adults technically do for jobs.

I must be careful though not to base everything i do on this model because it is very old and hasnt been updated dramatically.

I have made a table with the help of research to categorise people into their stereotypical roles. People have been sepaprated into different levels of jobs, different classes in society and the type of media they would be interested in or have contact with:

Overall, I think this table not only separates people into catagories depending on how much money they have, but i also think this table suggests that the highest classes are the more intelligent, therefore have more of a valuable purpose in society.

I also dont agree with this table because in a world where most technologies are available for everyone, the certain lines between these different categories can become blurred. What this table states as a lower class form of media such as 'Bella' magazine and 'Kiss' radio station, could be bought and listened to by anyone and comes down to the persons ability to interact with these medias - such as money or availablity.

I would go by this table if it was more up-to-date and in my opinion, more accurate. It has given me a basic idea of what sort of category 'educated adults' fit into, which i would say would be around the 'Group C2' and above.

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