Tuesday 15 November 2011

Deconstructing and analysing a newspaper's radio advert.

 I have found it quite hard to find a recording of a radio advert as it isn't something which is then put on the internet, so i have decided to analyse a radio advert which was done about a newspaper by a previous a2 student in order to understand the concept more:

The first thing i think of when listening to this radio advert for her made up newspaper is that she has tried to make it personable by it being set at somebodies home and also i feel as if her accent makes the newspaper seem more local, as the readers would have the same accent.

At the start of the advert it is a bit hard to follow and not clear about what she is trying to sell, but towards the end when the mother starts declaring what content is in the newspaper, which realistically isn't what would be said in a conversation between a mother and a daughter.

The characters are introduced informally, making it sound as if we are listening in on somebodies conversation, which could appeal to an audience of local people. With it being an advert which sounds so informal, it isn't intimidating.

I do think this is a good concept for a newspaper radio advert (making it being set in a scene for the audience to imagine), however i would make it more snappy and modern in order to attract the educated type of audience who wouldn't have much time on their hands. I want to declare as much information about my newspaper as possible, whereas this is a bit long-winded.

The purpose of her advert was to sell her newspaper to the local audience who wanted a newspaper which wold the latest news and stories. This is what i am planning to do but with a more untraditional, updated twist on it.

It sounds as if she has used the same person or girls of two similar ages for both the mother and daughter, which is easily identifyable. As i am not planning to use two characters, one one declaring what my newspaper is about, i will not have this problem.

If i were to make a radio advert just like this, i would record it all in one tape so i wouldn't have to edit it, therefore taking less time to make. Professionally, a radio advert wouldn't take to long to produce as the newspaper would want it to get out there fast in order to gain as much selling as quick as possible.

I could also hear them them passing over the microphone to eachother, making it sound less professional. I think the script also includes a lot of 'greats', too many 'greats'. I also thin at the end with the cheesy song makes the newspaper sound less serious and more of a joke. However an advert not being so serious can work because people like humour.

I have decided to write out and print her script for her radio advert so i can anotate it:

What i would do differently to suit my target market: I would probably not set it as a conversation between two people because i think it is a little long winded and I'm not sure my target market would really listen to it if i carried on for ages. I would need to make my point early on in the advert in order for the name of my newspaper to be heard by as many as people as possible. I would probably advertise my newspaper in a more formal way because i am aiming at towards an audience of educated adults. But this is not to say that they do not like humour and less serious stuff.

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