After a bit of research i found that this website is for newspapers to look at if they are looking for adverts to go into their newspaper, in order to fund it. What advert they choose depends greatly on thier newspapers audience, the look of the paper and what they respresent as a newspaper.
I am planning to have various adverts in my newspaper as because it is local, would need all the funding it can get. Local newspapers struggle against national. I dont think i will make my own advert, but i will probably use a real one which already exists if i am able to get the rights to it.
My intended audience is educated adults, therefore i have to make sure i use adverts which they would have an interest in. Putting the right adverts in the paper so a certain audience can see is mainly beneficial to the adverts owners - people arent likely to buy a newspaper solely because of an advert. Putting adverts in the newspaper in general will benefit my newspaper as i get extra funding.
Analysing adverts in newspapers
I have looked at some existing newspaper adverts in a national newspaper and a local newspaper - The Daily Express and Norwich Evening News. I wanted to do this because i am planning myself to put adverts in my newspaper.
Eventhough the Daily Express is a tabloid newspaper featuring celebrities and the media, i wanted to analyse the adverts in it because it is a middle market newspaper - a newspaper who cater to readers who want some entertainment value from their newspaper, but also want some sufficient news and coverage on the lastest events.
As our world is surrounded by celebrities and the media spotlight, we all have opinions on it and all are affected by it, so, i believe that educated adults would till want to read about what is happening in the celebrity world, we cannot assume that educated adults arent young.
The other newspaper: Norwich Evening News is a local newspaper which is the best selling newspaper in Norwich. I did e-mail the Norwich Evening News asking what the demographics of their newspaper was but i havent yet heard a reply and i dont think i will. But what i do know about their audience is that they are proud to read a local newspaper, want to know what effects them and comes from all walks of life.
One newspaper defintley has an educated and modern audience, whereas Norwich Evening News has a very wide spread, diverse audience.
I am only making two pages of a local newspaper, so i have decided that my research into adverts shouldnt go beyond the first two pages. So, here are the adverts i found in the newspapers, where i found them and who they are intended for:
Norwich Evening News
As you can see, this pink jewllery advert on the front of the newspaper is primarily aimed at women, however, men could be attracted to it if they want to buy a woman a pience of jewllery. I also noticed that there is an advert on an article, page 5, talking about a £50,000 raid on a jewllers. This advert could have been purposely placed near this 'article advert' because they would both attract the same audience, therefore creating more of an interest in both the article and the jewllery advert.
There are even websites being advertised, but websites which link to the evening news' main page, therefore they are creating interest for themselves. the newspaper has the final say as to what adverts are going into the newspaper, therefore they can get their name anywhere they want. I also think that placing a website somewhere makes people take action, investigate and get them invoved, therefore creating more of an interest around that newspaper.
This newspaper's intendent audience is local people around Norwich who are proud of where they come from and come from all walks of life. This is definatley supported by the vast variety of adverts for all different types of people.
Once again there is a contact number for Norwich Evening News at the top left (half cut off and in yellow writing!) and an e-mail address. this lets the audience know that they can be involved in the newspaper if they wish anf that there is always a time to contact them.
The advert underneath it is about how to contact the evening news again, however this time, it involves the audience who are up-to-date with technology and know how to use scan codes. The idea of scan codes is that with your phone you 'scan' the code and it will take you directly to the evening news website. I think this is very clever as it lets the audience get involved and also benefits the newspaper because they get more views on their website and therefore get their name more well-known. This also gives the audience who are scanning, a quicker and easier short cut so they are more likely to go on the website.
Underneath that advert isnt another advert, its a poll. However, underneath that poll s an advert with a rhetorical question and links to the Norwich Evening News' website. This gives the website more views if they advertise it in their paper (it is also free for them!), eventhough they do not profit from website views (unless they get adverts on their websites).
The idea that Norwich Evening News has advertised their website so much ony benefits them isnt true. The audience who then go onto the website gets to have VERY up-to-date news coverage 24/7 for free.
Daily Express
I did want to find out how much a company pays to have their advert in a newspaper, however, this information wasnt available. I think this is because it is a contracted agreement which wouldnt be disclosed to the public. Im guessing that if the company has fully faith in their advert then they would be willing to invest in it.
I have done a table which states the positive and negative aspects of a company putting an advert in a newspaper, whether that is a local one, or a national one. I then scanned and uploaded it:
In conclusion, i have decided to apply adverts to my newspaper because the..............a local newspaper has more adverts because it needs the funding as not as many people buy them. a national newspaper doesnt need as much as they get most of their profit through sales.
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