Wednesday 21 September 2011

What defines an 'educated person'?

My target audience is educated adults, however, i am struggling to put it into words what being educated means. Does it means you've completed A-levels, GCSEs, Degree? I have found a few definitions of the word: - Education (also called learning, teaching or schooling) in the general sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another.

Dictionary -

1. Having an education, especially one above the average.

a. Showing evidence of schooling, training, or experience.
b. Having or exhibiting cultivation; cultured

3.Based on a certain amount of experience or factual knowledge.

Another dictionary -

1. having undergone education: educated people.

2. characterised by or displaying qualities of culture and learning.

3. based on some information or experience.

I was given the link of a file which helps me to uncover the type of lifestyle or 'Sybols of Success' that an educated individual has.Looking at this fgile, I can see that my target market would fit into the group 2 - happy families. I would like to make this more specific but the types of groups coming off this main group 2 could all be suitable for the newspaper I want to create. Eventhough they are slightly different with the way they live that are all quite well off financially, have nice houses and live around city areas and most commonly they are all families. Here is the link i was given which states the groups:

Through research, i have learnt that being educated isn't just about the extent of schooling a person has has, it also includes their knowledge, experience, and the values they have. Stereotypically, more middle class people have these factors. As i havent decided what my newspaper will include, i have to make sure that it is intelligent but not patronising.

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