Monday 1 August 2011

The Technological Determinism Theory

Technological determinism is a reductionist theory which states that technology defines who we are as individuals in society. I effects what we say, do, think, feel and how society develops around us with the development of technology.

Here i print-screened a helpful sheet we got given which includes quotes from important people about technological determinism and their opinions on it. And also it says how it develops us as people:
(Look at the individual interpretations!)

I am very interested in why technology is developed and bought. As a class and individually in todays lesson we thought about this and came with a few points which i have a lot of opinion on! Here are the list of reasons why technology is developed, supplied and bought:

- More influence from outsiders - People want to keep up with the latest trends and must-haves to fit in, to feel involved and to be modern. There is a great deal of peer pressure when it comes to buying things, people may seem reluctant to do something different incase it could seem 'uncool'. Eventhough people may want to have the latest technology that everyone else is having, there is still competition between those peers - to own the MOST technology.
- Technology involved in socialisation - There is a difference between technology being involved in communication and using technology to communicate. Technology which is involved in communicating would be the computer, but the technology being used to communicate would be facebook.
- Affordability - As the years go on, technology has been made more affordable by the rise in availability, nessessity and demand. With the demand for a new technology to be made, it will not be supplied as the main aim is to sell as many as possible. As a technology gets older, it becomes cheaper - therefore the technology is available to more people (everybody) whether it is the latest or not.
- Availability - Throughout the years this nation has dramatically changed from the industrial nation that we once had. Technology is mainly made in the east, which makes it cheaper to make and therefore cheaper to sell. Not only is it cheaper to make it out there, its easier to make large quantaties for a decend manufacturing price. The more availability, the more the world gets taken over by the technologies and we cant escape it!
- Nessesity - Technology is sometimes used because it is needed to be. A fire engine wouldnt be able to get to a fire without tracking and communication devices. Somebodies occupation could be very involved with technology.
- An easy life - Technology was first developed to make our lives easier. Calculators made it quicker and easier for the mathematics-phobe to add up sums, and the coffee machine which meant your coffee was made for you and you be out of the front door for work on time. Laziness or convienience? Both?
- Occupation - If you are a teacher, you would need the computer to register the pupils and to write reports and to prepare for a lesson. Technology can also provide jobs in companies with make the technologies.
- Peer competition - Not only would somebody want to be like their firneds who have the latest technologies, but they may also want to be the person with the MOST technologies out of their friends.
- Globalisation impact - Technology is global. Sometimes even when you might not expect it. The creators of technology have made sure that it is everywhere to grab the most demand and buyers.

Here is a speech from Bill Gates who is the chairman of Microsoft. He talks about the vision and aim of Microsoft and the development of technology the company is planning to do:

Audience of the technology

I also want to write about the audience of technology development. There are three main types of audiences:

- The Resister
- The Early Adapter
- The Reus

Lesson task

We were given a lesso task to log the technology we have used or been in cintact with during our whole lives. Its the idea that these technologies define who i am as a person. I was planning to do a powerpoint, however i am not able to get it onto blogger or even onto prezi, so i have had to make it on prezi instead. This presentation shows the technology i have been in contact with as soon as i was born the the exact moment now. I have dated each year - this is not nessesarily the year the technologies came out as i havent got eventhing as soon as they were released - but each year represents when i got or was in contact with a technology. I may have got something one year and still have it, this timeline just shows the first time i got something, and where a technology device is repeated is when i upgraded or got a new one. Keep in mind that i am probably a part of the 'late majority', when it comes to the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. Here is the prezi i created:

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