' The first two pages of a new local newspaper, together with two of the following three options:
- a poster for the newspaper
- a radio advertisement for the newspaper
- two hyperlinked pages from the paper's website'
First i will consider all of the three bullet-points:
- The poster for the newspaper
I need to consider where my poster will be to grab my target audiences' eye. As this is going to be a poster advertising a LOCAL newspaper, the adverts need to be shown locally. By local im thinking the city i live in, however, for research purposes i could heighten that area for England. I have pin-pointed a few local newspapers which i am planning to focus on for ideas:
Posters for newspapers are often on 'sandwich boards' which are then planted outside newsagents. The audience sees the poster then goes to buy the newspaper to read more about it

What will it look like?
From the two above photos of the sandwich boards, i can see that the posters are simple, black and white and eye-catching. The bold letters can represent breaking news, news which is worth reading about.
How will i create it?
I will have to create it on photo shop, as i have to apply the criss-crossing elastic onto the poster to make it look realistic. I might also do two versions of the poster: one of the poster design as a whole, and another one of the poster on location - like the above-right poster.
The second bullet-point:
- A radio advertisement for the newspaper
Now and again when im listening to the radio i hear a newspaper advert. The advantage of the radio is that it can be listened to anywhere. I wasnt able to post any real radio newspaper adverts, but i managed to find some on youtube which were made by some last year media students:
Instead of exentuating words with capitals, it has to be done with volume and intensity of the words instead. Finding the perfect voice for the advert is important. Do i make it a funny or serious advert?
- Two hyperlinked pages from the paper's website
This looks like one of the most difficult ones for me as i have to make a website in order to add hyperlinks from it. These hyperlinked pages will include two other articles, so i would also have to design and write them - VERY TIME CONSUMING. I have never made a website page before so i have no knowledge in that aea whatsoever. This bullet-point seems like one of the most unlikely ones to do, however, in still want to reasearch and consider it:
The website's home page:
A hyperlink from the home page it:
As you can see the hyperlinked page is quite similar to the home page, so they both look linked and from the same newspaper. The pages become recognisable. I have also noted the layout of the newspaper articles and the adverts on the pages.
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